Our Process
DST provides a team of focused senior expert resources providing you with an outsider’s expert insight into the challenges you are facing and non-bias solutions to address them.

Accountability: The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property.
We have chosen accountability as the corner stone of DST’s methodology. Our philosophy is the DST team acts as an extension of you and your team, and as such we are accountable to you for everything we do.
Further, we believe that accountability is fundamental to the success of any endeavor so our tools and disciplined practices need to provide you as close to complete visibility as is possible. Our field proven collaboration process brings transparency into each engagement from supporting documentation to individual time allocations.
A key success principle in the DST philosophy is to partner a technical and business team member together to support each effort. The combination of the two aspects makes sure accountability isn’t an afterthought but an integral part of the methodology.
The technical team member insures the technical foundation is complete.
Methodology matters and DST has developed and proven a set of practices for each service offerings to create a higher level of success for our customers. Our methodology has bedrock principles of systematic communication, powerful collaboration and tools, user group empowerment, documentation disciplines and accountability.
Systematic communication: HPC Consulting, On Demand and Operational Management Systems include remote weekly meeting updates.
Collaboration: Our underlying philosophy is one of team extension – we are the customer’s bench and want to always operate in support of your team in a collaborative fashion.
User Empowerment: At the end of the day we provide two valuable services — Peace of Mind and the ability to Do More Science. Empowering your users helps the user community Do More Science.
Methodology use case: Our HPC Operational Management System offers the ability for research environments to focus on science while DST assumes the operational management of the scientist HPC tool. We become the day to day care taker of the cluster.
Henry Ford said “coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, but working together is success.” We believe that collaboration is a foundational element of successfully serving you and the work at hand.
Our service philosophy, that we are an extension of your team, demands a collaborative approach to every effort. DST recognizes the different needs of varied stakeholders in each work effort and has established a collaboration methodology and tool set designed to communicate effectively.
Our collaboration efforts are inclusive within your organization — HPC staff, scientists and executives are fully and systematically engaged.
Improvements and Solutions
We work to improve the performance and efficiency of the cluster so researchers can do more science. One of the aspects of improving performance and efficiency is working to accelerate problems solving is provided quickly, properly documented and brought to a close.
We focus on:
- Improving the performance and operation of the system
- Reducing management of the systems
- Complying with industry best practices
- Managing vendors and working toward problem resolution with vendors
- Help desk for scientists and HPC stake holders
Our Services
HPC Operational Management
Managing your cluster or storage systems and infrastructure
HPC Consulting
Architecting, troubleshooting, guidance and industry perspectives at your disposal
On Demand Services
Affordable block rates to work on short projects and efforts which you need done now
Our Customers
“We always had people on staff here on premises who were running the system and were responsible for running the system. And that was a weakness for us because really our specialty was doing research, that’s where we add value.”
Shailesh Shenoy, Assistant Dean for Information Technology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine